产品数: 6
点评数: 23
好评度: 83.33%


Topper Schroeder is today a respected fragrance marketer whose own elite lines of scents and body care products include Gendarme, Grabazzi and GendarmeV (for men) and Carriere (for women). But in 1983, Topper Schroeder was just a consumer on a quest to find cologne he could wear with pride - but without irritating skin or asthmatic reactions.

After searching department store and men's counters everywhere without success, Topper decided to develop that dream cologne for his own use. Guided by his sole friend in the business, personal ideas of what a cologne should project, and no professional fragrance background whatsoever, he proved to be a quick study. While his mentor opened closed doors for him, the doorkeepers at first saw Topper as someone going to a lot of trouble to satisfy a self-defined market of one.

What Topper developed was born with an ID number, but without a commercial home or name. Eventually christened by long time partner Bob Adels, who translated Topper's desire for a macho French moniker into Gendarme (a French policeman), "the arresting new scent for men," this unique cologne gradually grew its own corporation.
