产品数: 6
点评数: 1
好评度: 66.67%

Kiss My Face运用最专业先进的科技,采用结合最天然的成分来取代化学原料,创造天然草本及大地天然精华无所取代的价值。完全不使用人工色素、化学成分,不使用动物性成分、更不以动物测试产品!使用Kiss My Face产品不但可以保护你的皮肤及健康,减少化学原料对皮肤造成的伤害;同时保护了动物,绿色环境和地球。

At Kiss My Face, we believe that nature creates the best ingredients. We believe that it's our job to combine these natural and organic ingredients in body care formulations that are potent and effective to make you look good and feel good. We strive to bring you the best nature has to offer—never at the expense of our planet, employees or values—but with honesty, humor and style. A retailer once told us, “Kiss My Face puts a smile in the aisle.”

Our Product Values 

Our goals are simple—to provide you with products that:

are healthy—helping you to feel and be your best.

contain natural and organic ingredients—a resource for products that you can trust.

are caring—for your body, and for the environment.

are responsible—products with quality, purity, efficacy and responsible production methods—these products really work.
