产品数: 8
点评数: 2
好评度: 95.31%

化妆师Laura Geller是好莱坞著名的化妆师,以自己的名字命名了这个专业彩妆品牌,他们家很出名的是烘焙烤盘眼影和腮红。下面是LAURA GELLER官方网站的介绍:

The key to Laura Geller’s success seems to lie somewhere in between her tenured beauty expertise and her warm, approachable and “best friend in the biz” personality.  Not happy just being one of the industry’s most recognized and talented makeup artists, Laura has made a career out of infusing glamour into every girl’s day with multi-tasking, “ingenious” products that are easy-to-use solutions for every day beauty concerns. That’s because Laura takes her consumers’ needs and wants into consideration every time she develops a product…guaranteeing multi-functional, beauty that fits into every woman’s daily life.  

The Brains Behind No Brainer Beauty

From an early age, Laura knew her future would be in makeup.  "I used to ask if I could work at the makeup counters for free just so I could be near the products," she explains.  Her path to becoming one of the industry’s top makeup artists swiftly followed as she went from beauty school to Broadway – making up the theater industries rising stars.  Soon after, Geller's handy work was gracing the small screen including on-air talent at CBS, NBC, AMC, and HB0.  Today, Laura is most often seen in front of the camera through her many QVC appearances in the US, the UK and Canada.  Her exceptional ability in connecting with her viewers with her authentic persona has been a key to her success and led to a cult following for her brand.
