Oscar Blandi
产品数: 3
点评数: 2
好评度: 33.33%

Oscar Blandi是美国品牌,下面是官方网站的介绍:

Oscar Blandi Makes Hair a Beautiful Business 
A native of Naples, Italy, Blandi's fate as a stylist was sealed when he was born into a family of haircare professionals. Growing up surrounded by scissors, blow-dryers, and round bristle brushes (his father was a stylist and salon owner), Blandi's experience turning ordinary hair into stylish locks started at an early age. His passion for learning and his admiration for stylists like his father and the legendary Vidal Sassoon sent him on a mission to further develop his styling skills by working at local salons and eventually enrolling in art school. "I was always intrigued by the way they could mold hair into so many different shapes. I always tried to mimic what they did because I was fascinated by the way they moved," says Blandi.   
