关于喝酒姿势,我们给你最有颜的答案 | Beer Tasting Guide

2017-10-26 17:35 xuemei


Sure, you can just drink your beer in one go – directly out of the bottle or can. It’s an easy way to have a beer on the go but you will never taste the complexity of its flavours. For those of you who want to drink and enjoy a beer in a more relaxed and sophisticated way, check out the following tweaks:


#1     倾倒 Pour it



Avoid drinking beer directly out of the bottle or can. The first but vital step is to pour the beer into a glass - no matter if it is canned, bottled or a draft beer. Different kinds of glasses suit different styles of beer. You can drink our Craft Lager out of a regular lager glass or a traditional Bavarian-style 1-liter glass (Stein). We recommend you choosing a smaller sized glass so that the beer keeps fresh until you finish it – drinking an entire liter of beer might take a while.



A clean glass is a must. Dirty glasses may contain oils or stains that destroy the flavor of your beer. Furthermore, a dirty glass won’t let you have a proper foam head.


#2     观察 Look at it



Lift up your glass of beer in moderate light and pay attention to its color, consistency and foam head. Too bright illumination lets the beer appear lighter than it actually is.



Look at our Craft Lager: it has a dense, long lasting foam. The color of its foam head is pure white and the body golden.


#3     轻晃 Swirl it



Gently swirling your glass of beer helps to release the aromas for smelling it afterwards. Swirling also helps you to examine its head retention or how well the head sustains.


#4     闻味 Smell it



Any taste derives from its smell. Your nose is of upmost importance for your sense of taste. Take a deep sniff of the beer. Its smell will give you a first impression of the taste before you even drink it. Swirl it again and try to identify the variety of scents that might arise.


#5    品饮 Taste and enjoy it



Start with a small sip before swallowing right away. Let the beer linger your tongue, let it turn with every taste bud. Now, while the beer is still in your mouth, exhale through your nose. It will help you to detect its sweetness, bitterness and acidity.



Brander Urstoff is a refreshing crisp Munich-style Craft Lager with malty body, pleasant mild bitterness and high drinkability. 







张韶涵:“不是刻意励志,是天生励志。”其实她不仅天生励志,而且天生丽质,36岁的她依旧是那个自带好肌肤Buff的电眼娃娃 对于颜值至上的nikko酱来说,最重要的还是要看《将夜》的选角。 邓紫棋自从七夕情人节与赴美国NASA表演时大方晒出和造型师男友的合照后,她对两人恋爱曝光的态度渐渐转趋大方。15日男方迎来生日,她更是首次公开告白“Thanks for always having my back”,更不忘向对方甜蜜喊话“Got my back”。 日前,在综艺《奇遇人生》中,李诞自曝最近刚刚结婚。没想到一直丧到极点的李诞竟然会选择结婚,或许有趣的灵魂+美丽的皮囊=甜蜜的夫妻,这里就先恭喜李诞和黑尾酱啦。 郑爽主演的新剧《我的保姆手册》正式开播了,24小时不到播放量就突破3亿。爽饰演的未来最新型机器人Saori,是一个可爱的IA少女,2146年的人都丧失情感,所以Saori穿越回2018年的“古代”,找到了男主苏达浩测试“爱情游戏”。 买一百只口红,却发现自己怎么涂都不美!秋冬季节,较低的温度、干燥的空气;以及咬唇、撕唇皮、不爱喝水的不良习惯,都是常见的伤唇因素。不注意护理,便会令双唇布满如老太太般的唇纹,涂上口红很容易卡纹。 在《吐槽大会》的最新一期节目里,王力宏站在了C位,不仅自嘲“学渣”,自认与高晓松很像,还秀出了鞋子了的破袜子,演绎了一个偶像的彻底放飞自我。 Everybody,一年一度的维密又来了,让无数直男疯狂舔屏、万千仙女嫉妒的维密肉体盛宴此刻正在纽约上演。 双十一过后,你的手还在吗? 明天就进入11月了,虽然每个月都在祈祷,但是对于11月,还是有很多更具意义的期许!双11省钱攻略,彩妆篇看这一篇就够了!2018天猫双11爆款,全在这里! 10月大概是个甜蜜月,那边赵丽颖冯绍峰刚官宣结婚,这边唐嫣罗晋将于10月底在国外举行婚礼。 一年一度的大型惊吓相亲节日到了,连手残星人都来凑热闹了。怎么才能用生来心塞的“蹄子”化妆呢?让变脸阿姨TWIGGY给你改变人生。 对于大多数人来说,冬天或许是一个缺乏色彩、单调压抑的季节,但对于时尚花蝴蝶来说恰恰相反,寒冷的天气赋予了我们穿出层次感的可能性。 欢迎大家来到“路易威登号”航班,请系好安全带,时髦旅程即将开启! IT30周年上海活动,魔都girl们纷纷出动,来看看他们都穿些啥。